EEE 482
Introduction to State-Space (NO LONGER TAUGHT)
Fall 1999
TTh 9:15-10:30, BAC 328

Instructor: Kostas Tsakalis, GWC 358, 965-1467, tsakalis

This page:

Office Hours: TTh 10:45-11:45
Textbook: DeRusso, Roy, Close, Desrochers, State Variables for Engineers, 2nd Edition. Wiley Inter-Science
Class Notes:
E-Notes: (*.pdf, Adobe 4.0)
Set_1 (366Kb) Feedback Control (System Gains, Elementary Model Reduction, Disturbance Attenuation, Uncertainty)
Set_2 (289Kb) Identification (Formulation of a simple system identification procedure)
Set_3 (237Kb) Linear Algebra Notes
Set_4 (229Kb) Stability, controllability, observability
Set_5 (245Kb) Practical Controller Design

Course Outline:

Grading: HW 20%, Midterm 25%, Project 25%, Final 30%

Important Dates:

Midterm: Thu, 9/30, 9:15-10:30 (in-class)
Final Exam, Thu, 12/16, 7:40-9:30

HW Assignments, Notes

EEE 482, HW#1
Pr. 1.4, 1.6 a,b, 1.8 d, 2.8 a,b,c, 2.15
Due date: Thu 9/16

EEE 482, HW#2
Pr. 3.4, 3.5, 3.21, 3.23, 3.59, 3.60
Due date: Thu 9/23

EEE 482, Midterm Material.
HW #1,2: Simple matrix exponentials through Laplace transforms, State-space-to-transfer function transformation and vice-versa,
System interconnections and their state-space representation, Simple projections (1-dimensional),
The basic solution of x'=Ax+Bu

EEE 482 HW#3
Problems 1,2 (handout) and 6.8, 6.9, 6.23
Due date: Thu, 10/21

(Problem statement is PDF; Use R-click, "save link as..." for the rest)
Problem Statement,
Controller Blocks,
Data File 1 , Data File 2
MATLAB functions (zip)
Due date: Last week of classes

EEE 482, HW#4.
Problems 1-4 (handout)
Due date: Thu, 11/18

EEE 482, Final Exam Material.
State-space concepts; description of dynamical systems, basic properties (Ch. 2)
Linear algebra review; Least-squares problems, singular value decomposition (Ch 3, Notes)
(see Midterm)
Controllability-Observability (Ch. 4, 6, Notes)
State feedback controllers and observers (formulation and simple pole-placement designs)
(see also HW #3,4)