A Control-Theoretic Approach to Scheduling of Semiconductor Fabrication
K.S. Tsakalis and D.E. Rivera
Supported by the INTEL Research Council
INTEL Sponsor: Karl Kempf
In close collaboration with A.A. Rodriguez and M. Kawski; see Modelling and Robust
Control of Re-Entrant Semiconductor Fabrication Facilities: Design of Low-Level
Decision Policies
The objective of this project is to employ systematic methods from systems
and control theory in the modeling, analysis and controller design for the
scheduling of semiconductor manufacturing operations. A key component is the
understanding of the scheduling problem complexity induced by presence of
nonlinear dynamics (re-entry, batching, machine set-ups, multiple products,
preventive maintenance etc.)
The basic framework of our modeling and controller design approach is
the natural time-scale decomposition associated with the various decision
levels. At a fast time-scale, decisions are made regarding the assignment
of resources, operation of individual machines, release of material into
the production line, maintenance etc. At a slower time-scale, one is concerned
with the average characteristics of production and the overall optimization
of the fab operation. An advantage of this modeling approach lies in its
ability to bring in control-theoretic concepts of uncertainty description,
model aggregation, assessment of closed-loop model fidelity etc. Furthermore,
the decomposition of the control problem in terms of slow and fast time-scales
can allow for a scalable and more efficient exploitation of structural system
properties. Inner-loop controllers, operating on a fast time-scale, can take
into account the process nonlinear dynamics and define operating trajectories
that trade-off variability minimization, cycle-time minimization and throughput
maximization in a locally optimal way. On the other hand, outer-loop controllers
operate in a slow time-scale and can optimize the average production behavior
more efficiently, by taking into account low-frequency variabilities, e.g.,
preventive maintenance.
The focus of this project is on the design of outer-loop scheduling policies
(slow time-scales) while inner-loop (fast time-scale) considerations are addressed
in the related project.
"Hierarchical Modeling and Control of Re-Entrant Semiconductor Manufacturing
Facilities," Proc. 35th CDC, Kobe, Dec. 1996, with M.K. ElAdl,
A.A. Rodriguez.
"Hierarchical Modeling and Control of Re-Entrant Semiconductor Fabrication
Lines: A Mini-Fab Benchmark," 6th IEEE Intl. Conf. on Emerging Technologies
and Factory Automation, 508--513, Los Angeles, Sept.1997, with J.J.
Flores-Godoy and A.A. Rodriguez.
Some related results in:
J.J. Flores-Godoy, Y. Wang, D.W. Collins, F. Hoppensteadt and K. Tsakalis,
�A Mini-Fab Simulation Model comparing FIFO and MIVP schedule policies (outer
loop) and PID and H-infinity machine controllers (inner loop) for semiconductor
diffusion bay maintenance,� IECON�98, 24th Annual Conf., IEEE Indust. Elec.
Soc., Aachen, Sept. 1998.
The Team ( Kawski, Rivera, Rodriguez and Tsakalis + students) and the
Problem (click for a description
and some results)